Agent reactivation steps

Enter the following details:

  • Genesys WFM username
  • Genesys WFM password
  • Your corporate email address

Then click Reactivate button.


You will be re-directed to a page to confirm that your credentials are correct.

NOTE:  If these emails do not show in your Inbox, please check your Junk folder

Email 1:

  1. When you are activated, you will receive an email in your inbox to start the activation process.
  2. Click on Get Mobile.


Email 2:

  1. Please enter an email address that is accessible from the mobile device where you want to install the Komyunity app.
  2. Click Send.


Email 3:

  1. You will receive an email on your mobile device, asking you to download the app.
  2. If required, click the Download button of your operating system.
  3. Make a copy of the activation token.
  4. Highlight and select Copy.


  1. Open the app.
  2. Click on ACTIVATE.
  3. Paste the activation token into the Activation Token field.
  4. Enter your WFM user name into the Login field.
  5. Enter your WFM password.

Self reactivation not permitted

If you receive a message that reads “You could not reactivate yourself”, your Supervisor has set the configuration that you are unable to re-active the app yourself.

Please see your Supervisor to be manually reactivated.


Wrong credentials

If you receive a message that reads “Incorrect username and/or password and/or email address”, then you have not entered the correct Genesys WFM login credentials.

Please make sure that you are using your Genesys WFM login username and password and not your email address.

Click Back to reactivate button to try again, or contact your Supervisor to confirm your login details.